Showing posts with label tacos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tacos. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is our Raw Taco, now named Rawco by popular demand.  The filling is local 'Shrooms (mixed with onion, jalapeno, local pecans and seasonings), Local Greens act as a taco shell and we top it with a baggie of cashew cheese, yum. 

It comes with a salad on the side.  A salad for which there is not yet a name,  Help me with a good name.  I'm thinking of calling it Farmer Hash, or Reaper Pickle, or Hillbilly Slaw.  Clearly I am fresh out of ideas.  I ask only for inspiation.  Something tells me I should  put it to a vote before I commit.  Your ideas will be listened to.

Now soliciting names for a raw local seasonal carpacio.