Sunday, May 25, 2008

Squash Blossom Soup

I made a simple squash blossom soup with sauteed garlic, leeks and squash blossoms.Then I added vegetable stock, oregano, a little silk creamer and salt and pepper in that order. The squash blossoms have the mild flavor of zucchini.

These fried squash blossoms are stuffed with a cashew cheese which contains cashews, watercress, garlic, olive oil, lemon and salt. For the batter I used a flour batter and a mustard and water bath which can a good substitute for egg bath but not in this instance. I will go with something much lighter in the future. They definitely passed the yummy test though.


  1. Looks delicious!! I love squash blossoms, they seemso fancy :-)

    Love your new blog by the way! I'm adding you to my blog roll..

  2. Have you tried the squash blossoms filled, but raw, not fried? I have pumpkins growing in our backyard and am anxious to try them out in a recipe...just don't want to fry them!
